
Rock Climbing Provides Important Health Benefits

Posted on: September 17, 2018

Over twenty years ago, when Galyan’s Sporting Goods Stores made indoor rock climbing available for adults and kids, it created opportunities for novice climbers to try their hand at the fun and challenging sport. After Dick’s Sporting Goods bought Galyan’s, it eventually discontinued use of the climbing walls. The newfound interest in the sport, however, led to the creation of rock climbing classes and sessions being offered by a variety of fitness centers around the country – including Ackerman SFC.

Rock climbing is a physically demanding sport that requires strength, endurance, flexibility, and mental focus. It’s imperative to understand proper climbing techniques and how to use the specialized safety equipment required for climbing.

Stacey Lim is a Personal Trainer with the Glen Ellyn Park District, and is also the Rock Wall Coordinator at the Park District’s Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center. “We’ve created a series of fun and educational fitness and climbing classes for different age groups,” explained Lim. “The Train & Climb class is for ages 16 and up, and utilizes the TRX system to help strengthen the muscles that are most needed for climbing.” The TRX Suspension Trainer uses two adjustable straps with handles in a variety of configurations that allow the user to use their own body weight as resistance.

Lim stresses that the Train & Climb class is an exercise class with climbing opportunities built in to the program. “We’ll use the TRX system, free weights, and Bosu balls,” she said. “TRX offers a full-body workout that challenges your body in new ways. You defy gravity by using its pulley system, and the challenge level is adaptable for each individual.”

If you’ve never climbed before but want to try it out, this is a good starter class. “Beginners are definitely welcome,” added Lim. “The strength training builds muscle and helps develop agility and flexibility. Since the TRX pulley system uses the body as its challenger, this unique style of getting fit is appropriate for participants at all fitness levels, even those who are more experienced climbers.”

Session 1 begins October 3rd, and meets each Wednesday through October 24th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Session 2 runs October 6th to October 27th, meeting on Saturdays from 8:30 am – 9:30 am. Resident fee is $45, $65 for non-residents.

The second class, Youth Climbing, is for ages 8-15. “This class is a little different, in that we teach more about the mechanics of rock climbing,” said Lim. “It’s more educational, but also offers opportunities for climbing during each class. We teach climbing techniques, rope management, and the basic commands for rock climbing. Participants learn all about the equipment and how to use it, including how to tie a figure 8 knot.”

The kids also learn about general safety, and will play a variety of rock wall games. “We’ll have relay races to reach the top of the wall, and we’ll play a game where letters are posted to the wall and climbers have to reach them and try to spell a word,” said Lim. “We’ll also have activities around the wall, including dodgeball, for participants who aren’t climbing at any given time.”

Lim stresses that participants in the class will never be responsible for a classmate’s safety. “My assistants and I will do all the belaying, which involves managing the rope to help climbers ascend and descend,” she explained. “After each class, everyone is welcome to stay for Open Rock Wall Climbing to work on what they’ve been learning.”

Ages 8-11 meet for two sessions on October 6th and 13th, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Ages 12-15 meet on October 20th and 27th from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Resident fees are $15, $20 for non-residents.

Rock Climbing, in general, is an excellent way to get and to stay fit. The sport combines cardio, strength training, and agility, while developing good hand/eye coordination, stamina, and range of motion. Mental strength and problem-solving skills are enhanced, as climbers work to navigate their route up the wall. Success increases self-confidence, reduces stress, and provides a wonderful sense of accomplishment as the climber reaches the top of the wall, or reaches another goal they’ve set for themselves. Conquering a fear of heights also makes the climber more confident in other life challenges by taking them out of their comfort zone and showing them what they’re capable of.

To register for any of the classes listed above, please visit For more information, please contact Chad Shingler at [email protected] or Stacey Lim at [email protected].