
New Signs Installed at Lake Ellyn Park

Posted on: November 8, 2018

Glen Ellyn Park District has completed installation of new outdoor signs throughout Lake Ellyn Park. The signs, which were part of Phase III of the Lake Ellyn Park Improvement Project, were made possible thanks to a generous donation to the Glen Ellyn Park District from an anonymous donor along with a grant through the O.S.L.A.D. program.

Upon your next visit to the park, please take time to explore the new signs, which showcase the history of the park, technology utilized within the park, and restoration efforts.

The signage plan was part of the Lake Ellyn Park Master Plan process, developed in 2012, which has provided a template for many improvements over the past several years. These improvements have included:

  • Historic restoration of the Lake Ellyn Boathouse which was originally built in 1937
  • Expansion and improvement of the path system within the park and around the entire lake
  • New playground, park restrooms, and the addition of a fishing pier
  • Flood control perimeter wall around the Boathouse

In addition to the improvements above, several environmental enhancements have also been made throughout the park as part of the Master Plan, such as:

  • Reestablishment of the oak savanna
  • L.E.D. pathway lighting and solar panels for the Boathouse
  • An irrigation system that utilizes lake water, rain gardens, and floating vegetative restorers
  • LEED Gold certification of the Boathouse
  • Permeable pavement in several areas

The lake, which serves as a significant stormwater site for the Village of Glen Ellyn, has also undergone many improvements to manage stormwater more effectively and reduce the overtopping of the lake. Those include increasing the stormwater discharge by expanding and improving the weir, dredging the inlet canals, strengthening the earthen dam, and improving areas around Perry’s Pond which receives stormwater from Lake Ellyn.