
Park District’s 2017 Volunteer of the Year Award Announced

Posted on: March 6, 2017

Don St. Clair was named the Glen Ellyn Park District Volunteer of the Year at the annual Glen Ellyn Community Awards Breakfast on Saturday, March 4, 2017.

The recognition event, hosted by the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce, honors individuals and organizations that have been active within the community while contributing towards the betterment of Glen Ellyn.

As an original member of the Park District’s Citizens’ Finance Committee, Don’s efforts over the past six years have provided guidance and direction for the Park Board of Commissioners, helping develop a financial template which has resulted in saving the community countless dollars while maximizing financial resources. A Glen Ellyn resident for over 40 years, Don holds an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago along with an M.S. from Stanford University.

“He has committed hundreds of hours over the years familiarizing himself with the unique world of governmental accounting, acclimating himself with local politics and becoming knowledgeable about synthetic turf fields and platform tennis amongst many unique areas within the recreation field,” said Executive Director Dave Harris. “We truly value his dedication and commitment to the Park District and the Glen Ellyn community as a whole.”

Don’s efforts include work on a long-term capital asset replacement program for the District, comparative analyses of other park districts, and financial analyses of projects such as the indoor aquatic study, platform tennis courts, Newton Park synthetic turf project, and the Lake Ellyn Park and Boathouse improvements.

In addition, Don provided guidance to staff in distinguishing operating activities from capital improvements and replacement activities, which has allowed the District to maintain its current assets and complete several larger scale projects utilizing available financial resources.

“His efforts, direction and leadership have contributed to the Park District achieving an operating budget that generates greater revenue than expenses,” said Jay Kinzler, Park Board President. “As a result of Don’s contributions, the Park District has achieved an AA+ bond rating and generated an annual operating surplus of $800,000. This surplus has contributed towards capital improvement projects while also allowing the Park District tax levy to decrease nearly 7.5% this year and over 25% next year.”

In 2011, the Glen Ellyn Park District Board approved the formation of the Citizens’ Finance Committee to review all aspects of the District’s finances and develop a long-range financial plan to help guide the Board’s future decision making. The Committee is comprised of seven resident volunteers, of which Don is the last remaining original member.

The Glen Ellyn Park District has nearly 1,000 volunteers throughout any given year and is dependent on the assistance of volunteers for nearly every aspect of its operations. Volunteers coach little league, supervise swim meets, organize fundraising events, work concessions, perform restoration work at our parks, assist at special events, maintain baseball fields, serve on athletic and various citizens advisory committees, work tournaments, provide parking control, pickup litter, and serve as field marshals. Through the selflessness and efforts of the volunteers, the experience of the participants is enhanced and the opportunities are greater.