
Events Calendar

Blood Drive & Food Drive DecemberDec 10 2024 09:00am - 01:00pm

Stop by Ackerman SFC for a combination blood and food drive.

Food Drive: Fill the shelves at Glen House Food Pantry by donating non-perishable food items and toiletries. For a current list of the Pantry’s top needs, please visit

Blood Drive: Donate a pint (of blood) to help ensure all patients in Illinois have the blood they need. One donation of blood can help save up to three lives. Must be 17 years or older to donate (age 16 w/parent permission slip). Appointments are encouraged for blood donors but walk ups are welcome. Schedule an appointment »

Date: Tuesday, December 10
Time: 9 am-1 pm
Location: Ackerman SFC, 800 St. Charles Road

Sponsored by Glen Ellyn Park District, State Representative Terra Costa Howard, and Kiwanis Club of Central DuPage.




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