
Glen Ellyn Park District Strategic Planning Outcome Results in Lower Taxes

Posted on: July 22, 2016

July 22, 2016 — On Tuesday, July 19th, the Glen Ellyn Park District Board voted to allow the referendum debt that funded the majority of the expenses to construct the Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center to retire. As a result of the unanimous vote, residents of the Park District will realize, on average, an estimated 7.5% reduction on their 2016 tax bill (payable in 2017) and an approximate savings of 27.5% on their 2017 tax bills (payable in 2018).

The vote took place during the Board’s annual strategic planning meeting, the objective of which is to provide a capital project roadmap for the next several years with defined budgeting and financial information to assist in identifying direction and priorities.

In regards to a possible referendum, constructive discussion and consideration took place as there are several worthy projects including implementation of the Ackerman Park master plan and Sunset Pool improvements. However, the Park District has achieved an operating budget that generates greater revenue than expenses, has established and met the requirements of a sensible fund balance policy, created an asset replacement fund, developed an ambitious Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center business plan and resolved the Ackerman roof predicament.

As a result of these efforts, the Park Board is confident the current financial condition of the District is favorable and presents financial stability and the means to maintain and improve current assets through user fees and its operating tax levy while still offering and providing outstanding recreational opportunities and programs. An example of this is the upgrading of Lake Ellyn Park and the restoration of the Boathouse. This project, which reflects public direction and community input, was paid through operating surplus and non-referendum funding and came in under budget.

“I am feeling really good that the careful planning and fiscal management the Board and staff have been committed to have enabled us to do the Boathouse restoration and begin the Lake Ellyn Park improvements while staying within our financial means. We have many worthwhile projects to do, including ongoing maintenance and needed improvements to our facilities, and I’m confident that with the same approach we’ll continue to have excellent facilities and programming for the community,” said Commissioner Kathy Cornell.

The Glen Ellyn Park District is fortunate to have many wonderful and diverse assets including neighborhood parks, community properties, athletic fields, green space, water elements and recreational facilities. These assets have been purchased and/or donated and developed utilizing taxpayer’s funds, user fees, and grants and donations.

It is the District’s responsibility to serve as conscientious stewards in preserving, protecting and enhancing its assets for the long-term betterment of the community. In the next five years, the Park District will replace outdated playgrounds based on a detailed replacement plan, address infrastructure at the various recreational facilities including Sunset Pool, Main Street and Spring Avenue Recreation Centers, make repairs and improvements to assets such as parking lots, fencing, natural areas, neighborhood parks, athletic parks and implement elements of the Ackerman Park master plan. This will be accomplished utilizing operating surplus and non-referendum bonds.