Celebrate Earth Week and Arbor Day in Glen Ellyn Park District natural areas. Starting on April 20, we’ll offer seven days of environmental experiences to get spring started. Pre-registration is required for all activities. Explore further details and secure your spot at gepark.org/register.
Saturday, April 20: Volunteer Day at Ackerman Woods
Sunday, April 21: Forest Bathing Wellness Walk at Churchill Park
Monday, April 22: Library Storytime at Maryknoll Park
Tuesday, April 23: Wildflower Walk at Lake Ellyn and Benjamin Gault Bird Sanctuary
Wednesday, April 24: Trees for Glen Ellyn at Newton Park
Thursday, April 25: Migration Morning Bird Walk at Manor Park
Friday, April 26: Breakfast with the Birds at Churchill Park
Friday, April 26: Arbor Day Experience at Lake Ellyn
Special Notes:
Event may be full. Check the online registration system by clicking the "Register" link above for the most current status or to add yourself to the waiting list.
Weather Permitting:
Outdoor events may be canceled in case of rain or other unfavorable conditions. Check www.gepark.org/hotline on the day of the event for updates or your inbox for an email from the event supervisor.
Photos and video footage are periodically taken of people participating in a Park District program or activity, attending a class or event, or using District facilities or property. Please be aware that by registering for a program or class, participating in an activity, attending an event, or using District facilities or property, you authorize the District to use these photos and video footage for promotional purposes in District publications, advertising, marketing materials, brochures, event flyers, social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites operated by the District), and the District’s website without additional prior notice or permission and without any compensation to you. All photos and videos are property of the District.