

Budget & Financial Information

  • Certificate of Achievement

    Every year since 2008 (when the District first applied), the Glen Ellyn Park District has proudly received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award for its annual comprehensive financial report. This award, issued by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

    Attaining the award signifies significant accomplishments by the District and its management. The reports are judged by an impartial panel to meet the program’s high standards, which include demonstrating a commitment to transparency and clear communication. This ensures the financial story of the District is understandable and accessible to the community.

    The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving more than 20,000 government finance professionals, with offices in Chicago, IL, and Washington D.C.

  • Annual Budget Documents

  • Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

  • Open Meeting Act Compensation Disclosure

    In accordance with The Open Meetings Act (Public Act 097-0609), Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) employers must post the compensation package for each employee exceeding $75,000 per year, as well as the vacation and sick days granted for the year. Per Public Act 101-0504, you can click here to view IMRF employer cost and participation information.

  • Lobbying

    The Park District does not currently employ lobbyists. However, it maintains membership in the Illinois Association of Park Districts (I.A.P.D.), which lobbies Illinois state lawmakers on behalf of its membership.

  • Tax Rate

  • Vendor Disbursements

  • Vendor Transparency

    Pursuant to Public Act 102-0265, the Glen Ellyn Park District makes a good faith effort to collect and electronically publish data from its vendors and subcontractors. The published data must include if the vendor or subcontractor is minority-owned, woman-owned, or veteran-owned. Every vendor doing business with the Park District must complete the questionnaire here:

  • Prevailing Wage

    An ordinance adopting Prevailing Wage Rates to be paid to laborers, mechanics, and other workers performing construction of Public Works for the Glen Ellyn Park District. Click here to view the ordinance. For more information on prevailing wages, visit the Illinois Department of Labor website.