Improvements will be focused on the main parking lot which serves Ackerman SFC and the upper Ackerman fields and include:
- Resurfacing and repair of the lot
- Entrance Road and sidewalk into park from St. Charles Road and Riford Road intersection
- Lighting improvements within parking lot and entrance road, including conversion to dark sky and L.E.D.
- Bioswales and permeable pavers within center of parking lot.
The 44,000 square foot lot serves over 250,000 annual users of Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center along with many additional patrons that utilize the surrounding 65 acres of open space, natural areas, and athletic fields. While benefitting the water quality for the East Branch DuPage River, the implementation of these measures will also provide and model responsible and innovative environmental practices in a highly visible and heavily utilized area.
Glen Ellyn Park District was successful in receiving a $439,290 Illinois Green Infrastructure Grant (IGIG) through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in October 2014. Those funds, which were to offset the cost of the parking lot improvements, continue to be withheld by the State of Illinois and despite patiently waiting the past few years, release of the funds is unlikely. While short-term improvements have been made in the interim, the Park Board approved moving forward without the grant at the May 15th meeting.
The project, which also includes bridge improvements at Churchill Park, was awarded to Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc. for $487,710. As mentioned above, expenses are being offset by Parkview Church’s contribution of $30,801 and a grant from DuPage County for $35,567.
October 10, 2018: Ackeman SFC Parking Lot Now Open
Thank you for your patience and understanding! Construction is never fun and almost always inconvenient and disruptive. Through it all, our patrons were flexible and patient. While frustrating at times, they managed to make the best of the situation. The Glen Ellyn Park District is very appreciative of your continued patronage and hopes you will enjoy the newly renovated parking lot and entrance drive.
As a reminder, the project addressed the complete replacement of the main parking lot serving Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center and the upper Ackerman Park soccer fields. The parking lot, in severe disrepair, was over 30 years old and had only incurred minor repairs since it’s construction.
The recent improvements and complete renovation of the lot included replacement of sub material and resurfacing of the main lot, permeable pavers within the center parking area, L.E.D. lighting enhancements within the lot and entrance drive, bioswales to reduce runoff volumes and improve stormwater quality, resurfacing of the entrance drive and roadway towards the playground, sidewalk repairs and sealcoating the front drive along Ackerman SFC.
The total cost for the project was $485,000. The District was resourceful in attaining a DuPage County Stormwater Improvement Grant for $35,567 to help contribute towards environmental related items – bioswales and permeable pavers. Additionally, Parkview Church, which is at the corner of Riford Road and St. Charles Road, contributed over $30,000 (50%) of the expense to improve the shared entrance road into the park and church. The contributions reduced the total expense incurred by the District for the improvements to $420,000.
The 44,000-square-foot lot serves over 250,000 annual users of Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center, along with many additional patrons that utilize the surrounding 65 acres of open space, natural areas, and athletic fields. While benefitting the water quality for the East Branch DuPage River, the implementation of green infrastructure will also model responsible and innovative environmental practices in a highly visible, heavily utilized area.
Finally, the Park District recognizes that the parking and roadway throughout Ackerman Park is also in need of attention and plans to address these areas in the next few years.
October 3, 2018:Â
As the Ackerman Parking Lot Improvement Project nears completion, the main entrance off St. Charles Road and Riford Road into the park will be closed to all traffic from Wednesday, October 3rd through the morning of Saturday, October 6th. The road, while possibly not finished, will be reopened on Saturday, October 6th and remain open through the weekend. It may be closed again for a few days the week of October 7th; specific dates will be announced once determined. Also, during those same dates of closure, the main parking lot serving Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center (ASFC) and the drop-off lane / front parking area will not be accessible. This closure will enable asphalt work to occur within the main drive and the road going east towards the center of the park.
Signage will be in place near the lighted intersection at St. Charles Road and Riford Road directing traffic to the east. Access to the park and ASFC will be available at the east entrance of the property near Swift Avenue.
Please allow for additional time and use caution when driving through the park, particularly when entering and exiting the park from St. Charles Road. A reminder for those driving through Ackerman Park from the east, there are several speed bumps painted yellow throughout the drive towards ASFC.
The Glen Ellyn Park District apologizes for any inconvenience, values your continued patronage, and appreciates your patience and understanding during the improvement project.
September 28, 2018: Click here to read the September 28 update.
September 21, 2018: Click here to read the September 21 update.
September 14, 2018: Click here to read the September 14 update.
September 7, 2018: Click here to read the September 7 update.
August 31, 2018: Click here to read the August 31 update.
August 24, 2018: Click here to read the August 24 update.
August 17, 2018: Click here to read the August 17 update.
August 10, 2018: Click here to read the August 10 update.
August 3, 2018: Click here to read the August 3 update.
July 27, 2018:Â Click here to read the July 27 update.
July 20, 2018:Â Click here to read the July 20 update.
July 12, 2018:Â Click here to read the July 12 update.
June 15, 2018:Â As part of the Ackerman SFC Parking Lot Improvement Project, beginning Monday, July 9 through mid-September, the main lot at Ackerman SFC will be closed. Parking will be available to the east of the facility near the playground. Please see the map below. The parking spaces directly in front of the facility, just to the east of the front doors, will be available with the majority dedicated to handicap parking. If you require additional assistance, please notify the front desk at (630) 317-0130.
The entrance drive will be open during most of the construction. On days when the drive is closed, patrons will be able to access Ackerman SFC via the east entrance of Ackerman Park. While the District will minimize the impact of the construction, there will be some short-term inconvenience. Please use caution when driving within the park and near the building. We thank you for your patience and cooperation.