

Board Meetings

Park Board Meeting Schedule and Meeting Information

The Glen Ellyn Park District is a municipal governing agency established to provide parks, facilities, and recreational programs for the community. The District handles the maintenance, operation, and administration of parks and facilities under its jurisdiction and is governed by seven elected commissioners who set policy for the operation of the Park District.

Meeting Information

The Board holds Workshop meetings, when needed, on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Meetings take place at 7 pm in the boardroom at Spring Avenue Recreation Center, 185 Spring Avenue. They may also schedule Special or Emergency Meetings. The District posts notice of these meetings on this page, in facility lobbies, and sends them to local news media. All meetings are open to the public. Changes to the meeting schedule are noted by (*).

To attend virtually via Zoom, please contact Kimberly Dikker at [email protected] by 4 pm on the Tuesday of the meeting to obtain the Meeting ID and password. You may also email any public comment to be read into the official record during the meeting, as members of the public will be automatically muted. Plan to join the meeting 5-10 minutes before the start of the meeting.

Open Meetings Act Officers

Kimberly Dikker
Chief OMA Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (630) 942-7250

Dave Thommes
Deputy OMA Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (630) 942-7255

2025 Board Meeting Dates, Agendas, and Minutes

January 14*7 pmSpring AvenueRegularViewViewView
February 11*7 pmSpring AvenueRegularViewView
March 187 pmSpring AvenueRegularViewView
April 157 pmSpring AvenueRegular
May 67 pmSpring AvenueWorkshop
May 207 pmSpring AvenueRegular
June 177 pmSpring AvenueRegular
July 157 pmSpring AvenueRegular
August 197 pmSpring AvenueRegular
September 9*7 pmSpring AvenueRegular
October 77 pmSpring AvenueWorkshop
October 217 pmSpring AvenueRegular
November 11*7 pmSpring AvenueRegular
December 9*7 pmSpring AvenueRegular

Board Meeting Archives